Tuesday, November 07, 2006

próximo | next art_room

Upgrade! International: DIY
Oklahoma City


November 30 – December 3, 2006

Exhibitions, presentations, workshops, performances, screenings, and lectures by new-media artists and curators from more than 20 cities around the world.
instruções | instructions art_room, 2006


Não tenha medo de perguntar tudo o que sempre quis saber sobre arte contemporânea
Non teña medo de preguntar todo o que sempre quixo saber sobre arte contemporánea
No tenga miedo de preguntar todo lo que siempre quiso saber sobre arte contemporáneo

para conversar comigo dirija-se ao pátio
para falar comigo diríxase ao patio
para hablar conmigo diríjase al patio

05-07-2006 22:00-23:00 h

art_room ©
susana mendes silva
entre a palavra e a imagem | entre a palabra e a imaxe | entre la palabra y la imagen
Art_room, 2006
05-07-2006 22:00-23:00 h
Pátio da Fundación Luis Seoane | Luis Seoane Foundation patio
Entre a palabra e a imaxe, Fundación Luis Seoane, A Coruña, Spain

about art_room

In art_room, I used a webchat called webcamnow. My performance was developed in the context of Identidades Virtuais workshop, and I had set a schedule during the month of June. When I began the performance, on the first day, I went to room 1 to announce what I was doing by simply posting the sentence: "Don't be afraid to ask everything you always wanted to know about contemporary art". I moved to a free room (from 30 rooms, only three rooms had people in them), and I began to have conversations with some of the people. I soon realize that some of the users felt like they "own" the website (no matter what room I moved into), and they began to become very aggressive towards me. If you see the still image of me during the performance, you will only see my eyes. I was hiding behind my powerbook, because some of the users kept saying that I was showing off too much (even if I was decently dressed). In order to avoid some visual disturbance, I ended up "veiled" by my computer... The result was totally the reverse from the other experiences...The experience of a certain degree of intimacy, soon lead to fear acted as aggressivity and exclusion. In the second day I was expelled from the "family and friends" area: my camera was shut down, and I was disconnected as a user by the moderator (just because he felt like it...he confessed it, when I later protested signed as a new user). At first I was really furious and sent a complaint letter (that was never answered), but soon I realize that this experiment was very fascinating and revealing of how a human community can function - in a social and political sense - no matter what kind of media you are using or what kind of space you are at.
instruções | instructions

1 please enter | por favor entrar http://www.webcamnow.com/videochat/ or| ou http://webcamnow.com/fs5/ (probably you have to install the free software | provavelmente terá que instalar o software grátis)

2 please in webcam communities select friends and family| por favor em webcam communities seleccione friends and family

3 choose webcam art_room| escolha webcam art_room

4 start | começar

5 schedule: 02-06-05 and 03-06-05 (15:00-18:00h gmt, 04-06-05 (11:00-13:00h gmt)
from the 6th of June every monday from 22:00 to 23:00h | horário: 02-06-05 and 03-06-05 (15:00-18:00h gmt); 04-06-05 (11:00-13:00h gmt); a partir de dia 6 de Junho todas as segundas-feiras das 22:00 às 23:00h

art_room, 2005

performance online através de webchat com webcam, na qual qualquer pessoa podia encontrar-se com a artista e perguntar tudo o que sempre quis saber sobre arte contemporânea. a performance teve lugar durante o mês de Junho de 2005, no âmbito dos Encontros de Arte e Comunicação, CCB, Lisboa, Portugal.

art_room, 2005

online performance using webchat and webcam. anyone could meet the artist and ask her everything they always wanted to know about contemporary art. the performance occured during June 2005, included in the program of the International Conference on Art and Communication, CCB, Lisbon, Portugal.